Fall Trip 2023 Report #6

One of the most delightful relationships I share in Ukraine is with Ugorniky’s Mayor Lubov. It is the village Ugorniky that gave the Church the prized plot of land on which the Church building was constructed. Our mission teams have enjoyed the warmth of the village as they taught in the schools and kindergarten. On this trip we visited with Mayor Lubov and presented the village with the flags of the USA and the State of Alabama. Lubov is always encouraging regarding the Church and is always willing to assist in many ways!

This week we begin evening lectures in the Village’s new Palace of Culture. We will have the students in the schools plus adults attending. Our topic will be “Ethics found in the Bible.” We will have free Bibles and other literature available. There is a large population of IDPs who will be invited and Thursday we will be distributing items to them. We are thankful for the full cooperation that we enjoy with the community.

Perry’s Thoughts

This morning it was a joy to visit Mayor Lubov in her office at Ugorniky. It’s heart breaking to hear about the young soldiers that have given the ultimate sacrifice for their village and beloved Ukraine as she told about each one of the soldiers and their families. The Church has helped in many areas of the village such as the Hospital, Rehabilitation Center, Schools, military and Humanitarian needs for the village. Lubov is so thankful to Ivan, the Church in America and Ivano-Frankivsk for everything that is done for her community. We presented her with a personalize signed certificate and United Stated flag that she humbly accepted with tears in her eyes. She in return gave Chip and myself a Ukraine flag which she signed on behalf of the village of Ugorniky. Just to remind everyone Lubov gave the land for the Church building because of all the help over the years the Church has done. The Church Ivan’s leadership is planting the gospel seed daily that is visible everywhere we go.

Ruslan and Maria invited us for lunch and visit and it’s not surprising the delicious meal that we were served. While we were there Timothy the oldest son came home from school who has really sprouted up. After Lunch we went to the building to see the progress. It was another wonderful day. Good Night!

Chip’s Thoughts…

Well another day in the books for the “A team.” We had changes to the plans for the day and I had to get flags from the room. Ivan arrived in the church van around 10am and we headed to the town of Ugorniky to meet with Mayor Lubov Zinovievna. We were welcomed into her office and spent over an hour+ meeting with her.

She discussed and showed us pictures of men from the community who had been KIA in the war on the East of Ukraine. Her stories were poignant and I could see her tears and the pain in her voice over these fine community citizens and their families left to pick up the pieces.

We presented the Mayor with an American Flag and Alabama State Flag which had been flown over the respective capital buildings with certificates attesting to that fact and an AL challenge coin

We were surprised when Mayor Lubov then presented the Mission team with our own Ukraine flags and even autographed them for us. A very special item I will treasure forever from a very fine leader of her people!

We left the mayor and had a planning session over “chi” (which is Ukrainian for tea) and then had a wonderful and as usual for a guest invited to a meal in a Ukrainian home big spread for lunch at Ivan’s son, Ruslan and his lovely wife, Maria’s home. We finished after 4pm and went back by the church building for Ivan to do some chores. And then, after a long and FULL day, we Finally got back to the hotel! Perry and I went to our rooms and John had some other appointments. We met for a light supper and then a good night’s sleep!

More adventure to come tomorrow, stay tuned, same Ukraine time, same Ukraine location!!  Again, please keep your Mission Team in your daily prayers as well as the people suffering from the horrors of war!

Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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