Report # 2 – March 15, 2022

Our arrival in Poland has placed us in immediate action. So much is going on, but even in the appearance of chaos, an action is emerging. It is amazing to be in the midst of so much popping—it is frantic but also invigorating. It may seem absurd but at times the moments of calm and quiet are unsettling!

I cannot describe the wonderful reception that the Ukrainian refugees are finding in Poland. There are billboards, media announcements and public reception tents welcoming the refugees. Every where there are collection sites where the Poles give commodities for the refugees. As I’ve noted, the majority are women and children and the site is heartbreaking. The loving embrace and outpouring of compassion is wonderful. I have not yet seen what the reception is in other nations but I know Romania is doing the same. I suspect the embracing of these displaced by an unparalleled EVIL is evident worldwide. Putin’s actions have tainted the “Russian” brand and many are saying his actions and those who follow his commands are WORSE than the fascists and Adolph Hitler! In this region of the world such a distinction reflects back to the historical horrors of the 1930’s! Go back and read where Hitler and Stalin agreed to divide Poland between themselves. Hitler invaded Poland and Stalin took a part.  Is history repeating itself as two of the world’s powers decided that Ukraine could be sacrificed to Russia if a consequent reward to the other world power was given?

The Church in Worclaw has been assisting Christian brethren fleeing the Russian evil in Ukraine. Tanya has received word that the Church there has been collecting items that will go back into Ukraine to assist the IDPs there. Ivan had sent a list of items most urgently needed. This collection from the small congregation of the Lord’s Church has been generously gathered and is waiting on a means of transportation to Ivano-Frankivsk.

Here is a summary of relief actions coordinated for the Ukraine War Relief efforts. The overall portrait is amazing but it takes all of the small blocks to build the superstructure! Every day more and more of the small things combine to make our efforts astonishing. The incredible scope and magnitude is remarkable. The reason for such success is the omnipotence of our Lord God Almighty! And many of those reading this are a significant part of this providential action.

We are beginning to average loading 6-8 40-foot High Cube Containers each week. Those who are involved in the current shipping line debacle can appreciate the significance of this statistic. This is possible because of the past history and connections we have developed over the past years of involvement with the shipping lines.

So far this week we have :

  • Loaded 40-foot High Cube cargo containers from: Cleveland, TN; Perrysberg, IN; Columbia, TN; and Jonesville, IN
  • Successfully airlifted 6 pallets of baby aspirin; working on a second airlift of baby formula
  • Received a call offering us a second container of bed cots donated from PA.
  • Confirmed acceptance of TEN truckloads of pharmaceuticals from Louisville, KY—and we are working on securing suitable temporary warehousing. ALERT for those in KY and surrounding States…we will need a great turnout for helping us pack at least 5 containers with these pharms. We plan to load all simultaneously and get it done in one day. If you live near Louisville, KY then be aware that I will send out requests for your help.
  • Received a call from a shipper in SPAIN offering to truck our relief commodities without charge. The issue is that the commodities must arrive in Spain. We will see how feasible this offer is but it reflects the worldwide outpouring of compassion for the situation in Ukraine.
  • Found the avenue of shipping through Germany, thanks to the diligence of Charita, that will give us a turnaround of 14 days! This cuts in half the 30 days it takes to get containers into Ukraine via Poland. We are diverting some of the containers that can be redirected on the water to this route.
  • Received a call from London, England, offering us a truckload of relief supplies (mainly medical). The donors can move these from London to our Polish staging by going across Europe!

Urgent Appeal For Help In Louisville, KY Area

Hello John, As we working on getting the meds donated we need to figure out where we going to put it all. The location, as expected, is Louisville KY. Please let me know if we have any Churches of Christ located in the area that will accept this cargo for further shipping.

If you know someone who might be able to help us with the storage and loading in the Louisville, KY area, please let us know! This is a great opportunity for congregations in central and northern KY to get directly involved in these relief efforts.

Help for Orphanages

I continue to received requests showing the desire to help those in need, especially orphanages and children.


We have a sponsor that wishes to give a large amount to assist orphanages with food clothing, and other items. I need a list of orphanages that are still standing and what is needed for it. I need an official request with a list of what is needed.

Shipment from Indiana

From IMPACT in Indiana:

Continuous prayers.  Will forward pictures & documents after loading. The phyto-sanitary certification was done today on the corn without cost. Need to know where to send the documents, because the original one is needed for Charita. Another 40,000 lbs of food relief is arriving on Friday with baby items, they are looking for baby food, more canned meat, rice pilaf, beans, first aid. Seems as if the good Lord is bring in the blessing for us to distribute. Have a TV news interview this upcoming Wednesday or Thursday.  Please advise any updated information you would like us to mention. Have really good contacts in Bulgaria.  Refugees are starting to stream towards the BALTICS. Be Safe & Be Blessed!

Buckets in Montgomery

Yesterday more than 1300 buckets arrived that were generously donated and delivered to our warehouse at no charge! Thanks to Nick Revels, Andrew Gifford, and the others who helped get these unloaded at our warehouse (see pics below).

Caution About Pictures

We have been asked repeatedly to be very cautious about taking photos. As much as I would love to send you photos on the ground, it is simply NOT permitted for security reasons. So that is why you will see very limited pictures from our time so far in Poland.

Please continue to remember the Ukrainian people in your prayers.

John Kachelman, Jr.

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