True Satisfaction from Hospital Beds and Mattresses

Featured Photo: The beds are ready to load. All head &foot boards were removed as were the bed rails. The mattresses are piled up and ready to load!

Every year as I read through the Bible I pause and contemplate this text: “Abraham breathed his last and died at a good old age, an old man and satisfied with life; and he was gathered to his people” (Genesis 25:8). This text summarizes the objective of life summarized with one word “satisfied.”

I recall a fellow telling me, “The first time I heard Jagger’s ‘No satisfaction’ I was in a copter going down the Mekong Delta on a mission. Every time I hear that song I flashback to ‘Nam.” Well, I have never been a Stones fan. The Bohemian lifestyle is unacceptable. All seek “satisfaction,” tragically many seek it with a corrupt compass. I think it is poetic justice that Mick Jagger said, “I’d rather be dead than singing ‘Satisfaction’ when I’m forty-five.” He is way past that mark and still singing. It is a tragic reality that he “can’t get no satisfaction.”

The Bible speaks often about satisfaction (Proverbs 12:14; Ecclesiastes 4:8). The biblical formula for satisfaction is simple. It is a building process that requires actions. Here is the blueprint:

  • Realize opportunities abound (Galatians 6:10).
  • Expressed willingness to seize the opportunities (2 Corinthians 8:11).
  • Abounding good news is a constant product when willingness is present (Proverbs 15:30).
  • Satisfaction produces an increased desire that fuels one’s zeal (Colossians 4:3-5).

Illustrating the satisfaction that is described in the Bible is a recent event in Pearl, MS. We had been offered 60 hospital beds and mattresses by a nursing home that was replacing their beds/mattresses. Instead of loading the beds, transporting to a storage facility, then unloading and stacking and finally loading again into a cargo container, we decided to load the container from the nursing home facility. This would save on labor, transportation, and other costs.

The broad overview of this action is astonishing to consider. It involved connection with an action from two-years ago received by Kathy Cadden (in MS), it depended on a confirmed and specific logistical schedule secured by Charita Shteynberg (in NJ), it was communicated by me (in Ukraine), it involved Emmanuel (in Ghana), it was scheduled by Gary Jerkins, John Durham, Ron Swang (in TN) who worked the required transportation, lodging and a multitude of other factors (in FL and TN).

And it all “came together” in a marvelous manner!

The main issue regarding loading the hospital beds would be the required manpower. Thankfully the Skyway Hills Church of Christ in Pearl, MS responded that they would help. Then two former FHC colleagues were contacted (Steve Carter and Gary Hampton) who are preaching in nearby communities. Both Steve and Gary worked to get brethren from four other congregations to come and assist. These brethren moved the beds out and prepared them for loading. Then Kathy Cadden contacted the Mississippi Militia and they showed up in force to load the beds/mattresses.

Charita left New Jersey’s cold to come south to Mississippi’s warmth!
Brethren from four area congregations came and prepared the beds for loading. They rolled the beds out of the nursing home, took off the head/foot boards, removed the side rails and tied down the beds.

All was done in an amazing time. All involved were satisfied!

Brother Emmanuel is our point man in Ghana. Emmanuel had contacted a member of the Ghanaian Parliament who volunteered to pay all shipping costs from his own pocket. As we prepared to load, Emmanuel sent this message to all involved in loading the beds:

“Hello dear Brethren, greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ from the Lord’s Churches in Ghana ??.

Please, my name is Emmanuel Kwaku Nimoh, simply called Emmanuel. I am brother in the Lord’s Church since 26th January 2003. Some weeks ago, I received an encouraging and edifying message from our mutual brother, John L. Kachelman Jr (I meet brother John in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Congregation during my Medical school training from 2014 to 2020. Our brother dedication towards the Lord’s Church and work as well as the needy in our society across different continents has been a great inspiration and motivation to emulate same.  Truly, our brother has equipped, strengthened and edified me as well as supported the Lord’s Church efforts to be a Community Serving Congregation through my organization activities in Ukraine and Ghana.

The current 60 electric beds and mattresses due to be loaded tomorrow with your assistance will further give a good name for the Lord’s Church in Ghana since it will be channel through the Majority Chief Whip of the Parliament of Ghana in the person of Honorable Annoh-Dompreh Frank who is sponsoring the shipment cost and Port duty clearance to be DONATED to health facilities within his Constituency. The media publicity associated with such events is going to further promote the influence of the Lord’s Church in Ghana.

Please, your willingness to assist and supply us with this essential medical equipment, which are in critical shortage in many health facilities in my country, Ghana ??, will be a great blessing to many. 

Words can’t express my deepest gratitude to those brethren helping. I am praying for an opportunity Lord willing one day to thank the entire Brethren in person.

Dear brothers in Christ, you are all always in my thoughts and prayers for the good Lord continue to bless your exemplary humanitarian MISSION. God richly bless you all.

In His service, Emmanuel

As the cargo container of beds left Pearl, MS going to Ghana, I received word from Emmanuel that the Honorable Annoh-Dompreh Frank was going to be in the USA attending a special meeting in Tampa, FL for worldwide Congress members. He had received special permission to have leave from the conference to travel to Nashville, TN.

Emmanuel sent me this note: “Please, Hon. Annoh-Dompreh Frank, MP & Majority Chief Whip of Ghana’s Parliament, the sponsor of your humanitarian aid (60 Electric beds and mattresses) plan to visit USA from 1st November,2021 and return to Ghana on the 6th November, 2021. Please, he will like to visit you, Charita and your Team to espress our gratitude in person for your great humanitarian support, and hope to foster long term collaboration. Please is it possible for you to give him the opportunity to visit you? I know your meeting with him will boost our relationship with him and aid us to gain his assistance in clearing future humanitarian aids you will send through our NGO, HMI Ghana for the Lord’s Churches in Ghana Medical MISSIONS and Outreachs as a medium for Evangelism in various deprived communities across our country. I am eternally grateful for your support and guidance. Thank you for your exemplary works for the Lord’s Church and humanity. God bless! FYI: Please, attached document is his itinerary for your perusal. In His service, Emmanuel” Emmanuel had also sent word to those involved in Emmanuel’s NGO (HMI) asking to arrange the visit. I was invited to participate. Gary Jerkins, Ron Swang, John Durham were the initiators but the amazing success was due to the planning of many, especially Marcille Durham and Karen Jerkins.

Those who had travelled to Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine for the HMI Medical Seminar, met for a good meal with the Honorable Annoh-Dompreh Frank, MP & Majority Chief Whip of Ghana’s Parliament.
A tour of Vanderbilt Hospital’s teaching facility. From left to right: John Durham, Gary Jerkins, Brian Coggins, the Honorable Annoh-Dompreh Frank, Paul Moore, Glenn Buckspan.
Meeting with State Representative District 83, Mark White (center). Mark gave us a tour of the Capitol. Mark was leaving the next day on a mission trip to Panama. He began mission efforts in Panama through the influence of Larry Brady, who had just loaded a container for Panama out of the Montgomery, AL warehouse! Amazing connections!

The scheduled activities covered two days and much good was accomplished.

Following the meetings our brother Emmanuel sent this note to those involved:

Hello dear brethren, thank you dearly for your great efforts in hosting Hon. Frank in your awesome State on my behalf. Please do extend my heartfelt gratitude to the brethren and to your good self as well. This mean so much for me, the Lord’s Church in Ghana, HMI organization and our dream projects for our Motherland, Ghana (especially, HMI Christian Medical School including its own Teaching Hospital Project Lord willing in future to serve Ghanaians, Africa and beyond to train “Great Physicians” as our Conference seeks to do). I am looking forward to a day to welcome you and Team HMI-USA to Ghana, and visit you too if possible, Lord willing. I am eternally grateful for your continued support, prayers, edification, encouragement, and guidance. God richly bless you and your entire family.  Praying for you and the entire Team always. 

In His service, Emmanuel

I received this note from Ghana:

Hello John, I want to sincerely thank you for the important information made available to me on my visit. I had attached so much importance to this proposed meeting and was honoured to visit you. I will be happy if you could make known to me the next batch of medical items you have available so that I could make the necessary preparations for them to be shipped to Ghana. Let me place on record that due to my public office, I would be able to clear them at the Port without any difficulty. I count on your kind support as we both strive to assist humanity. Thank you.

Annoh-Dompreh Frank, MP & Majority Chief Whip of Ghana’s Parliament

And this brings us back to “satisfaction” … pity those devoted to the world who “can’t get no satisfaction.” These are focused totally on self. It is that worldly focus that prevents them from finding satisfaction. Think on this confession by the Psalmist, “My soul is satisfied…and my mouth offers praises with joyful lips” (Psalm 63:5).

Where is the foundation of YOUR satisfaction?

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