Report 12

Featured Photo: The Church gathering in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Sunday morning October 1, 2023. We had a good gathering even though some were out because of illness.

Our second Sunday in-country concluded very well. Perry had a very good lesson and there was a good number present even though some are struggling with the annual autumn viruses. Several of our number were out because of health issues. BUT as the reports below indicate, we had a good number of visitors present.

Bringing a number of visitors was Maria. I described her in last Sunday’s report (Report 5). Those who came in the spring trip will remember Maria’s hospitality as all were invited to her home. In the early days of the war she immediately opened her large house to those displaced by Russia’s invasion. As the IDPs moved on she would receive more. Ivan has helped Maria by suppling hygiene products, food and other items needed. As a consequence of this benevolence, Maria has become interested in the Church and her remarks to the group at last Sunday’s lunch verbalized her appreciation. Ivan Mykhalovch has been staying at Maria’s house since the war’s beginning. He was in Vinnytsia and fled the ruin and eventually landed in Ivano-Frankivsk at Maria’s. Ivan Mykhalovch is the accordion player that entertained us in the spring.

In our merry traveling band we have now picked up Marizza (or Sasha as she will be referenced at times—sure hope you can keep all of these Ivans, Sashas, Tanyas, Marias etc. in their correct peg!). She is quietly assessing this bunch…

Yesterday’s worship was good not only for the common faith shared in those assembled to be a part, but it provided teaching opportunity. Valery was eagerly with us and carefully examining all things. When it came to Communion he asked me if he should or should not take it since he was not immersed. This opened the conversation to discuss the purpose of Communion. I replied to him that according to Scripture the only one to determine if he should take Communion is the individual—no church hierarchy can deny Communion (1 Corinthians 11:28). Understanding this general point, I then discussed how Communion memorialized the death of Christ and the willing obedience of the Believer. Those who have fully obeyed Christ and who continue to “walk in the light” (1 John 1:7-9) are able to choose to take Communion (I pointed out that one cannot be perfect but one can “walk in the light”). After this he said, “I do not think I should take Communion until I am immersed. Will that be ok with you?”

Gif and Valery are developing a good friendship. They are getting up early every morning a running for 4-5 kilometers!

Chip’s Thoughts…

Well 2 weeks down and 2 to go! Today we arose to a cool fall temp and bright sunny day.  We attended the service at Church at 11AM.  There was nice attendance including some IDPs which Maria brought with her. She is looking hard for the Truth so please pray she will come to the decision to be immersed.

After services 2 young girls came up and handed this sweet note. I love y’all also you sweet children!

The plan tomorrow is to go Lysets and see Mayor Anatoli Romanovych and we will have another Alabama State flag presentation. Please keep our mission team in your prayers!

Perry’s Thoughts…

We had a lot of visitors this morning and Maria brought most of them. I talked a little while with Ivan Mikhailovich about becoming a Christian and his response was positive but not sure when. He and Maria will be great assets for the Church.

On Monday we will be going to Lysets to a hospital and then to see mayor Anatoli to present him with the Alabama State flag, certificate and coin. Ivan will try in the morning to see if Mayor Lubov will meet with us and possibly arrange definite scheduling for evening classes in the Palace of Culture.

The door has opened to Maria and Ivan Mikhailovich. When other discouraging factors arise, it is very good to think about these positive points. They are truly interested in this little Church that does much in their community. It is always amazing how God works. The continual outreach that Ivan and the Church does is making a huge impact. This spring we were so fortunate to meet Maria and Ivan Mikhailovich and now they never miss a service.

I never get tired of how Our great God works on his time and not ours. Lord please give me patience and not to be thinking negatively!

Gif’s Thoughts…

We were fortunate to hear Perry preach a good lesson on what a strong church should be like which was well received so far as I could tell. Some of the worship prompted questions from Valerii though as he wondered whether he should take the Lord’s Supper since he hasn’t been baptized yet. John explained clearly that the memorial is meant for those who are in a right relationship with God, but that only an individual person can examine themselves to determine whether they have done what is needed to have that relationship; in other words, the Church doesn’t dictate who can and can’t take it, but each person decides on their own. Valerii was concerned to make sure he was doing the right thing so he decided not to take it. However, he grabbed one of the prepackaged communion packets and told us that he would keep it so he could have one when he is baptized. He is very thoughtfully considering his salvation and the Church.

Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Lviv, Ukraine

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