Report #18–April 4, 2022

The Church in Warsaw met on the Lord’s Day. The simple elements of worship like the observance of the Lord’s Supper unites all regardless of national borders or languages!

The news from first briefings today are very welcomed—the Russians are retreating from Chernihiv (historically known as Chernigov). It is north of Kyiv. The Russian blockade that has attempted to strangle and starve the city into surrender has been broken. We have shipped a container into this city and have had contact with Christians there. A public news release on this development is found online.

From a brother in Chernihiv we have received this communication:

The area around my house is shelled to the ground and hardly anyone is living there. We tried to escape at beginning but Russia had all roads blocked and were murdering any civilians trying to leave. Shelling and explosions were day and night. We were days without water, heating and electricity in a cold house where temps were -9C. We did get some wood and build a fire to cook and warmth. But that soon ran out. Going out was impossible because Russians would shoot anyone outside. The bombing, mortar and rocketing became common to us as explosions would be first, then earth shattering, and then dust and pieces of rock and wood flying through air. We hid in basements trying to think which building would be next destroyed. Finally, we decided that it was death to stay but death to leave. We made choice and me, wife and three children prayed and asked God to help us survive. As we were leaving bombs and shelling seemed to increase. The city was surrounded by Russians. Thank God we discovered a small path leading out a back way. All had to be totally silent. Thankfully it wasn’t raining. Thank God He took care of us in this nightmare. We did survive without even scratch. We left all we had but thank God we carried the children and a few of the most important things. Now all else is lost but God saved us. We are now in western Ukraine. It is amazing to see the great quantity of food here as Russians did not even allow crumbs of bread to be found.

As Russia retreats from Chernihiv there will be more documentation of the heinous evil that is evidence of the ungodly evil embraced by the Russian President, the Russian army and the Russian people! (Search “Bucha”). ALL Russians are guiltily connected to this evil unless they publicly, verbally and actively oppose the current regime in the Kremlin.

Evil will be held accountable. The shame of Russian aggression will hang over all Russian speaking people for a long time and especially will the shame of this unprovoked aggression hang over those living in Russia and those who sit complacently as their Ukrainian family are massacred.

ONCE AGAIN NOTE: I understand these reports are being widely read and analyzed. I welcome these reports being read and analyzed—you need to open your eyes and understand the vast power opposing your Evil. So, I send as strongly as I can this message to Putin, who is cowering in his bunker, and to all involved in this inhumane savagery in Ukraine. All connected to this wicked atrocity will join Putin in his “bunker.” This is your choice and the world’s history will record you as forever evil but God’s eternal history will judge you as forever damned. Understand that history is repeating and fascism will face its appointment once again: По тебе плачет бункер фюрера!!!

The Lord’s Day Worship

It was a joy to assemble with the Church of Christ in Warsaw. The gathering was small but we had several nations represented: Poland, Nigeria, Ukraine and the USA! The worship was in English and one brother traveled 6 hours one-way on a train to assemble in worship—he does this EVERY Lord’s Day! In the prayers of worship, one brother made this memorable statement:

Lord we thank Thee for the opportunity to complete all actions of worship that we must do to offer worship in spirit and in truth.

The Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk met in their usual meeting place on Sunday. There was a good number present. The Church of Christ there continues to be active in embracing the internally displaced persons (IDPs). They continue working in the building to make available more places for IDPs to shelter. The Church continues to purchase food and other items needed by the IDPs.

There is an overwhelming number of items for the IDPs that are donated by those in western Ukraine, Romania, and Poland. These are often set out in tents and the displaced are able to go in and take free whatever they need.

As a new week begins, so we begin a number of actions to assist our mission as defined in Galatians 6:10! Thank you for your involvement, financial support and constant prayers. The ramifications of our involvement in this historic event will reverberate as long as this world stand and then such will follow us to Judgment and eternity!

“Amazing” continues to be the word describing actions here and there! Please continue remembering Ukraine and all involved in the relief efforts in your prayers.

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
(Warsaw, Poland)

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