Report #3—October 4, 2015

Much has happened since the last report was sent. I have arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk and in the process of leaving Kyiv arriving in Ivano-Frankivsk and departing to a retreat meeting place in Mikulychin I had a number of significant meetings regarding our involvement in assisting Ukraine’s displaced and the medical institutions. The meetings were on significant levels and with those in pivotal positions.

The respect and recognition that our efforts have gained for the Lord’s Church is most impressive. As powerful are the weaponry of our technological developments, that astonishing power is minimized by the awesome power of the Almighty God and the compassion of His People.

I arrived at the meeting place where the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation had scheduled for a family retreat on Saturday. I had been told by Ivan and others that they had expected 40-45 including Americans but when I arrived I discovered the actual number to be 85-90 adults and 10-15 children. The actual number gathered had DOUBLED the optimism of the plans! Mike Green taught classes for the adults and there were classes taught for the teen girls, teens, and children. The classes began Friday and concluded with the morning worshiping assembly today. The Americans that traveled to participate in the retreat were brethren from Nashville, TN, Cincinnati, OH, and Searcy, AR. We had three nations represented—Ukraine, Ghana, and the United States of America.

Class studying the Christian worldview at the Ivano-Frankivsk Church retreat Friday night
Class studying the Christian worldview at the Ivano-Frankivsk Church retreat Friday night

The worship assembly this morning EXCEEDED 100 present as some drove to be a part that had not been involved in the retreat because of job requirements. I had the honor of preaching at this assembly and have to confess that it was incredible to stand before such a large assembly realizing how much the Church has grown in the past five years.

How very good it was to be in the midst of this assembly today—to share in its joy; to be strengthened by its unity; to blend hearts and voices and prayers into a solemn worship as patterned by the New Testament; to be revived in devotion and fellowship.

There were a number present that had never been in such a worshipping assembly and they commented how wonderful such was.

The Lord’s Church in Ivano-Frankivsk has struggled through many seeming impossibilities but that has made it stronger. The very fact that the attendance at the retreat was so large validates the conclusion that once a permanent meeting house is constructed and has ample seating, it will soon be full!

The wonderful results of this growth is the combined consequence of many who have worked hard and dedicated themselves to the Lord’s work in this oblast.

I begin my nightly studies tomorrow night on the topic, “Modern Idolatry: Making God in OUR image.”

Pray for our efforts!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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