Report #5 – October 3, 2016

Today has been a day totally FULL! From the getting up to hopefully the going down soon it has been one constant stream of action.

The day began with a visit to the construction site to look at progress that is being made. We contacted the workers who are to begin the access road. We saw the pieces of wood lying for the wall separating the assembly room from the warehouse. Several were visiting and were able to see the progress that has been made since last year when they were here. Just about all of the security system has been installed on the outside. I had been asked about how the containers would be unloaded and Ivan and Andrew showed me the portion of the ramp that will become the loading dock. At this time its depth is not fully dug but you can see in the photo where the truck dock will be dug and the containers able to back in for unloading (me, Joel and Ron are standing in the area that will be excavated).

Following the visit to the construction site we went to a children’s emergency shelter that houses children from 2 years thru 17 years. We have assisted them in a number of ways before but Ivan had received a request for toothpaste and bath soap. Joel, Joy, Olga, Andrew and I went to visit this shelter. On the way we stopped at a warehouse supply center and there Joel and Joy bought things for the kids and Joy especially wanted to get them some candy! After purchasing the items we went to the home where we met the Director and several of the staff. The Director was a warm-hearted and very kind man who had been working there for 17 years. He has a staff of 40 who are working 24 hours a day. The children are placed there in an emergency situation when the parents are arrested, the child is abandoned, the child is a runaway, or there are legal reasons why parental rights need to be suspended.

I have visited many such shelters and homes and always these emergency shelters are the places where your heart strings are tugged. These innocents are victims of life’s blows that most cannot imagine. You can see the scabs and scars on their tender bodies. You can look into their eyes and find only a dull emptiness. You look with incredulity at the situation—it is truly unbelievable that such horrible horrific evil could have savaged the lives of such innocents.

Andrew has been there often to bring help but for the remaining four of us it was an unforgettable visit.

I asked, “How many children come through here in a year’s time?” The Director said, “That’s very difficult to reply. I can say in nine months from January until September we have had over 1,600+ children come to this place. Since this is an emergency temporary care they will not stay very long.”

That is approximately 200 children per month.

Joel and Joy had brought a suitcase of hand knitted gloves, hats and scarves that Gary Jerkins had collected in middle Tennessee. These had been moved from the suitcase to a box and then these were given to the children.
We cannot fully fathom what a simple gift means to one who has nothing of his own. That gift becomes a prized possession that is his own property.

We told the Director that we wanted these gifts to go with the children when they were moved. He replied, “Oh do not worry. I can assure you that no one is going to be able to take these away from the child—he will never let it go!”

The Director said that these children need to be loved and by giving them something that is their very own, will express love better than anything else at this point in life.

Here is a smile knitted with love!

Thank you to whoever is the unknown knitter—you have truly blessed this child.

As we were leaving the children’s shelter the Director presented us with a certificate of appreciation for the amount of help that we have been able to provide. This assistance results because of the tender compassionate and loving kindness that many of YOU have demonstrated in efforts that help support, finance, and supply our actions in Ukraine.

After leaving the shelter I found out that I was due in the Governor’s office in ten minutes! That meant I had to get across town, put on a suit and be prepared to explain a shipment of dry food mix that has been made possible for Ivano-Frankivsk. I was to meet Ivan, Andrew (another Andrew that runs a sports complex) and Tanya at the Mayor’s office. I ran. I redressed. I ran. I met. I finished.

As the meeting with the Mayor’s office completed it was time for a quick lunch. As we finished the last bite, and before it was properly chewed and swallowed I looked at the clock and it had 2:57. Our afternoon classes were to begin at 3:00! I had another meeting with David and Howell regarding the Bible Institute and Tanya had to get to the office flat to translate for Joel’s class on leadership. And there was a traffic jam. We swallowed. We ran. We drove for a little time. Then we sat and sat and sat…

Classes were fantastic tonight. Joy began her class on teacher training with a full room. Joel began his class on leadership in the Church with a full class.

Ladies attending Ivano-Frankivsk church of Christ FIRST teacher training sessions!
Ladies attending Ivano-Frankivsk church of Christ FIRST teacher training sessions!

The morning holds another day promised with activity. We are to go to the women’s maternity hospital and have a grand opening of the ward that the Church helped finance. Not only did the congregation finance the remodeling but the brethren did the work! We are to have news media present.

Here is a group photo of those who attended the Monday sessions (3:00-8:00) on teacher training and men’s leadership in the local congregation.

Pray for our efforts as we continue this trip!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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